Back-to-School Helmets & Cleats!

It’s that time of year again! Fall sports are underway and school is back in session. This year we are thrilled to be able to send our student-athletes back to school with the gear they need to succeed.

Thanks to the generosity of the FullyEquipped community, we were able to provide 40 football helmets to 5 different local high schools in need!

In addition to football helmets, we were also able to provide over 150+ pairs of fall sports shoes! This included over 120+ pairs of football cleats, 20+ pairs of soccer cleats, and 15+ pairs of volleyball shoes. Now that’s how you start a school year!

Thank you so much for helping us kick off the school year on the right foot! Here’s to another great school year of equipping kids for school, sports, and life.

God Bless,

The FullyEquipped Team

P.S. Do you have or know a school sports team in need? Sign your team up to be apart of the Team Up program and receive assistance from the FullyEquipped community!