Year in Review: 2017

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2017 has been an exciting year at FullyEquipped. It has been 6 months since FullyEquipped’s inception and a lot has happened. Your generousity continues to equip young men and women in the community for success in the classroom, extracurricular activities and life. Thank you everyone who has made FullyEquipped possible! We are excited for what 2018 will have in store!

Do you want to get involved? Spreading the word about FullyEquipped or donating at is an easy first step. 100% of all the donations we receive go to helping those in need! Do you know an underfunded school program in need? Submit a Request for Assistance at  If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us. 

Thank you!

Jim Conlon
Dru Joyce
Julie Uecker
Sonil Haslem
Amy Czubaj
Diana Furey
Mark Smith
Pat & Sid Albert
Sara Sheetz
Andy Logan
Kristin McNamara
Willie McGee
Kara Gooden
JP Murray
Jeff & Ellen Kempf
Christopher M. Weisbrod
Jen Larkin
Jay Newcome
Kim Sabetta
Katie Wattley
Logan Family Foundation
Jen & Stephen Fitch
Michelle Maas
Pam Murphy
Karyn Russ
Paul Lilley
Michele Burke
Ryan Brotherton
Karyn Talbot-Russ
Kim Lusk
Tony Sutton
Amanda Humphrey
Jason Rothaermel
Ian Murray
Good Samaritan Hunger Center
Mona Shay
Irina Bauch
D.A.L.E. Program
and Many More!