The Football Cleats Have Arrived, Again!

Last Thursday, we stopped by a few Akron Public Schools with a special delivery.  Thanks to your generosity and support, we were able to provide football cleats to not only North High School this year but also Kenmore-Garfield and East High School! Over 100+ pairs of much-needed football cleats were provided! The kids were beyond excited and extremely grateful!

We cannot thank you enough for making what we do possible. Know that your donations go a long way and your contributions do not go unnoticed!

Want to get involved with FullyEquipped? 100% of all the donations we receive go to helping those in need! We are still collecting school supplies for our 2018 Back-to-School Fundraiser. You can help out by spreading the word, physical donations or monetary donations at 

Looking forward to a great school year!

God Bless,

The FullyEquipped Team