FullyEquipped wants to extend a huge thank you to Children’s Hunger Alliance for working with us to help provide afterschool meals and snacks to students at Akron North High School.
Founded in 1970, Children’s Hunger Alliance is a statewide nonprofit organization dedicated to ending childhood hunger. Children’s Hunger Alliance is currently providing afterschool meals and snacks Monday through Friday at Akron North High School, including two hot meals, three cold meals and a boxed lunch on Friday. We cannot speak highly enough of this organization!
Children’s Hunger Alliance partners with organizations throughout Ohio to provide nutritious meals to at-risk children who need them most. They help care providers, day care centers, local school districts, afterschool and summer programs provide balanced, healthy meals to children in their care. Children’s Hunger Alliance has a team of 50 professionals throughout the state who are passionate about ending childhood hunger in Ohio’s 88 counties.
Thank you again, Children’s Hunger Alliance, for all the work you are doing to end childhood hunger in Ohio!
FullyEquipped wants to hear from you! Do you know an underfunded school program in need? Submit a request for assistance at FullyEquipped.co/Request or reach out to us and we will see how we can help!
God Bless,
The FullyEquipped Team
Last Updated: January 30, 2018 by FullyEquipped
Thank You, Children’s Hunger Alliance
FullyEquipped wants to extend a huge thank you to Children’s Hunger Alliance for working with us to help provide afterschool meals and snacks to students at Akron North High School.
Founded in 1970, Children’s Hunger Alliance is a statewide nonprofit organization dedicated to ending childhood hunger. Children’s Hunger Alliance is currently providing afterschool meals and snacks Monday through Friday at Akron North High School, including two hot meals, three cold meals and a boxed lunch on Friday. We cannot speak highly enough of this organization!
Children’s Hunger Alliance partners with organizations throughout Ohio to provide nutritious meals to at-risk children who need them most. They help care providers, day care centers, local school districts, afterschool and summer programs provide balanced, healthy meals to children in their care. Children’s Hunger Alliance has a team of 50 professionals throughout the state who are passionate about ending childhood hunger in Ohio’s 88 counties.
Thank you again, Children’s Hunger Alliance, for all the work you are doing to end childhood hunger in Ohio!
FullyEquipped wants to hear from you! Do you know an underfunded school program in need? Submit a request for assistance at FullyEquipped.co/Request or reach out to us and we will see how we can help!
God Bless,
The FullyEquipped Team
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